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En 1986, la American Buildings Company, 2eme fabricant mondial de batiments préfabriqués a charpente d'acier, designa la GBS comme son representant-constructeur exclusif autorisé pour Haiti.

Depuis 2011, la GBS a aussi etablie de solides relations commerciales avec l'un des plus grands vendeurs de structures metalliques aux USA, la  ICON, et plus particulierement sa branche specialisée pour le marché export: DSI Global.

La GBS peut ainsi d'offrir aux clients  un meilleur choix d'options, de finitions et de couts de differents fabricants, repondants a leurs besoins specifiques et types de projets.


La GBS propose egalement un systeme de structures metalliques fabriquées localement dans ses propres ateliers. Ces structures ont été installées par la GBS dans des projets divers de residences, usines, églises, ecoles, magasins, aéroport, station-services, etc..

In 1986, American Buildings Company, the 2nd largest prefabricated metal buildings manufacturer in the World, chose GBS as its exclusive dealer-builder for Haiti.

Since 2011, GBS has also established strong business relationships with one of the largest retailer of  metal buildings in the US, ICON, and more specifically with its Export markets branch: DSI Global.

IThis allows us to offer to our clients a larger choice of options, finish and cost depending on their specific needs and building types.

GBS also offers a system of metal structures and roofing systems manufactured locally in its own shops.GBS structures have been installed in projects such as residential homes, factories and warehouses, churches, schools, commercial buildings, the PAP International airport, gas stations, etc.

GBS - General Building Systems, Rue Salomon, Varreux, Port-au-Prince, Haiti/ email: tel: 2816-7284, 2816-7285

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